Acupuncture is a time- honoured therapy that involves inserting very fine needles into specific points on the body to promote healing and balance. This ancient practice is rooted in traditional Chinese medicine and aims to stimulate the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Many people find acupuncture to be a relaxing and soothing experience that helps alleviate pain and improve overall wellness.
“The smallest needle can make the biggest difference.”
Acupuncture works by stimulating key points along energy pathways, known as meridians, which are believed to influence the flow of vital energy (or “qi”) in the body. By inserting sterilised needles into these points, acupuncture can help restore the natural flow of energy, promoting physical and emotional balance.
Acupuncture is a fantastic modality that helps facilitate a woman’s body transitioning through the end stages of a pregnancy if mother and baby are ready for birth. Acupuncture during this important time can support the body to relax enough for the mother and her body to be ready for the next step of birth. During those final moments of pregnancy, if the mother is close to or past her due date, and her contractions haven’t started, there’s often a reason why. Our practitioners identify and address these reasons and that in turn allows labour to progress naturally.
Research also suggests that acupuncture can activate the nervous system, enhancing blood flow and triggering the release of natural painkillers like endorphins. This can assist with some of the following conditions:
Acupuncture is a holistic approach to wellness, encouraging the body to self-heal and regulate internal imbalances.
Join us at SPYNE Chiropractic to experience the difference that compassionate chiropractic care can make in your life, as we nurture, align, and transform your spine for a healthier, happier you.