Cranio-Sacral Therapy, or SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique), is a gentle, hands-on therapy that focuses on the alignment between your spine, skull, and the central nervous system. The technique involves light pressure on specific areas of the skull and spine to restore the natural movement of the cerebrospinal fluid—a vital fluid that surrounds and nourishes the brain and spinal cord.
SOT uses precise adjustments to release tension in the sacrum (base of your spine) and the cranial bones (your skull). This realignment helps the nervous system function better, promoting self-healing, reducing pain, and improving overall body balance.
“The lightest touch has the deepest relief.”
This non-invasive, therapeutic approach is particularly effective for those experiencing chronic pain, headaches, or stress, providing both physical relief and mental relaxation.
Join us at SPYNE Chiropractic to experience the difference that compassionate chiropractic care can make in your life, as we nurture, align, and transform your spine for a healthier, happier you.